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Courses & Curriculum

There have been some major changes in the Psychology curriculum in recent years. For the most up to date information, always refer your Advisement Report (opens in new window) 

The Psychology Undergraduate (opens in new window)  website summarizes general information relating to the program.

The PSY Newsletter (external link, opens in new window)  is a summary of important information that you need to know as an undergraduate student in the Psychology program. We will send a new installment of this newsletter twice a month (usually the first and third week of the month) during the school year, and once a month from May to August.

The PSY Bulletin Board (opens in new window)  is also a great resource for current events and opportunity listings and general Information & resources. The Bulletin Board is updated regularly so we recommend checking it regularly. 

The How to Enrol (opens in new window)  page of MyServiceHub Support outlines the steps required for course enrollment. For more information on Enrolling in courses see the Course Enrolment (opens in new window)  page.

The majority of Spring, Spring/Summer and Summer courses are administered by the Chang School. You can refer to these resources listed below for guidance on Chang School courses. If you have any questions you can send your inquiry to There are also several web pages about Chang School enrolment questions, important dates and enrolment policies, as listed below:

Many of the Chang School’s courses are degree credit and identical in curriculum to the equivalent TMU undergraduate course, for example, CPSY102 (opens in new window)  is equivalent to PSY102 (opens in new window) . You can find more information on the Chang School's Undergraduate Students (opens in new window)  page.

The Course Intentions periods (March for the Fall semester, August for the Winter semester) are opportunities for students to pre-enroll in courses for upcoming semesters, before the official enrollment periods. Participating in the Course Intentions process is mandatory, and increases the chance you will be able to enroll in the courses you want. It also assists university programs with curriculum planning for the next academic year.

Any courses that are selected during the intentions periods will be converted to enrollments before the respective semester begins, with the exception of courses that reach maximum capacity, have a scheduling conflict with other courses you have selected, or some other issue.

The Course Intentions (opens in new window)  page provides an overview of the process.

A course can show up in the non-applicable section of your Advisement Report (opens in new window)  for a number of reasons, but generally it means that the course does not apply to any of your available degree requirements as outlined on the  (PDF file) PSY Degree Checklist (opens in new window) . Unless you are intentionally taking an additional course to complete a minor or for some other reason, you will likely need to drop any non-applicable courses. In some cases, non-applicable courses can be directed to available degree requirements even if the courses do not show up on a PSY course table. You can inquire with the Psychology Undergraduate team to find out if it is possible to direct a course to a degree requirement (

Full time Psychology degree students do sometimes complete the day version of PSY 612 (opens in new window) . The first step for students who are interested in PSY 612 (opens in new window)  is to find a Psychology faculty member to work with as your supervisor.
PSY 612 (opens in new window)  is less of a research-based course (as opposed to the 2 thesis courses), and more focused on the research planning/literature review side of things. If an instructor agrees to supervise you for this, they would create a course outline indicating what the weeks will look like (e.g., meetings, readings, graded components); the Psychology Undergraduate Administrative team will then create that course in MyServiceHub and enroll you. If you have a professor you think might be willing to do this for you, please speak with them, then let the Psychology Undergraduate team know at
Please note that the Chang School of Continuing Education offering of the course, CPSY612 (opens in new window)  is for Chang School Psychology Certificate students only.

Instructions for applying for the PSY 700: Research Practicum (opens in new window)  will be sent via email in the semester before the course is offered.

This course primarily involves research practicum activities that are overseen by faculty supervisors. These activities may take place remotely or in person. Students should spend approximately 6 to 8 hours per week (on average) on research practicum activities. You are also expected to attend class meetings, scheduled periodically throughout the term. These meetings will focus on enhancing a range of research and professional skills.

The Psychology Thesis Stream (opens in new window)  web page has more information on this option.  

If you are looking for psychology-related research opportunities you can check the Department of Psychology's Research Opportunities (opens in new window)  web page regularly.

Information on the Psychology Research Pool (aka SONA (external link, opens in new window) ) can be found in the  (PDF file) Psychology Undergraduate Participant Pool FAQ (opens in new window) .